My husband's way of showing support for this project. I married an engineer, not a reader. But he listens to me babble on about these crazy plots, he does not complain about my evenings hunkered down with a laptop or a book, and he lovingly accompanies me to shows when I request tickets. God bless the man.

What literally lays upon my lap when I am combing through text throughout the week. The DK Essential Shakespeare Handbook is AWESOME.

Me & Contact Info
Wondered who is writing these words you read? That would be me, Deidre. American housewife and mother on the early side of her 30s. English major for life, Anglophile, Southerner at heart. Barely made it out of the Human Resources world alive.
Reach me on Twitter @dreadpiratemama or write a comment on any of my blog posts.

House of Montague v House of Capulet.
I took my daughter to see Romeo and Juliet. You may have read about it. I've had to role play as evil Tybalt with her ever since.

Warring Houses
My daughter and me, each repping some R&J love.

Much Ado About Nothing (UCLA, circa 2003)
Cast of Shakespeare UCLA's first show, Much Ado About Nothing. This was spring 2003. Easily the most hilarious and caring cast I had the pleasure of knowing. I'm the brunette in the middle of front row.

Beautiful Girls Dig Shakespeare
Some of the founding ladies of Shakespeare UCLA (dreadpiratemama is front center). These are all highly intelligent, creative, and inspiring women, and I count myself lucky enough to be Facebook friends with them all to this day (heh). Ah, to be 21 again...

Death Chart
I wish the makers of this would do one for the histories as well!

Hotspur vs. Hal
This is how Hubs supports the project. Engages in theme drinking and games while I one-sidedly discuss the play at hand.

This guy. He's pretty supportive of this project, despite his reluctance to read anything, ever.

A Sweater in Midsummer
My favorite cashmere sweater totally reminds me of a play about fairies. That's not a stretch AT ALL.

This is what I look like when I write.

Bard Creatures
My Twitter friends inspired me to get this t-shirt. I realize how nerdy the entire ordeal is.